Images can be added to your project in two ways. Import to library or dragging images into the Blocs application.
Changing Images
When you place an image Bric into your design or use one of the pre-made Blocs that contains an image, the image will be set to a basic placeholder. To change any image in your design simply double click it or if the image is already active you can also change it by clicking on the preview thumb from the sidebar options. This will open the assets library, from here you can choose to use either a stock image or one of your own.
Importing Images
There are multiple ways to import images into a project, the easiest way is to simply drag images into the Blocs application window, doing this will add them to your assets library as well as placing them onto your current project page. Alternatively, you can also import images to a project using the keyboard shortcut ⌘+I.
Blocs supports image files up to 2MB in the following file formats: jpg, png and svg. Gif images do not have a file size limit.
Resizing Images
There are multiple ways to resize images on the Blocs canvas. The easiest way is with the image scaling handles located on the side and bottom of the active selection marker. Left Clicking and dragging these handles will resize the image to the desired size. Alternatively, you can also set the image height and width values using the size input fields located in the sidebar inspector options.
Please note: images applied as Bloc backgrounds cannot be resized in this manner, to resize an image used as a Bloc background, first apply a custom class to the Bloc and then set the custom classes background image height and width values using the class editor.
Deleting Images From Your Project
To delete an image from your asset library, double click any image in your design to open the asset manager window, click the my assets tab, navigate to the asset thumbnail you wish to delete and right click it. Selecting remove image from the contextual menu will remove this image from your project.