Custom Classes Basics

One of the most powerful features in Blocs is the ability to use custom classes within your projects. If you come from a graphic design background, think of custom classes as layer styles you can assign to any item in Blocs to give it a specific look and feel. The rules of these classes can […]

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Class Manager

The Blocs Class Manager lets you manage all of the custom classes within your project. We recommend watching this video lesson that covers the basics of the Class Manager. Open Class Manager To open the Class Manager, navigate to Window > Class Manager from the apps main menu.   Add and Remove Classes Adding and […]

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Styling Nav Links With Custom Classes

At some point, you may wish to style the text links nested in the navigation bar using custom classes. Simply applying a custom class to the navigation list won’t allow you to style the links inside that list. In order to style the navigation links, we first need to give the parent navigation list a […]

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