Content Management Systems

Blocs has integrated support for a range of premium and open source third party content management systems, allowing you to easily create powerful, dynamic websites, that can be updated and contributed to outside of the Blocs application. Blocs currently supports the following CMS’s (Content Management Systems) October CMS – Open Source Pulse CMS – Premium […]

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Surreal CMS

Surreal CMS is a very simple and straight forward Content Management System, it lets you set pre-defined areas on web pages that can later be edited once they are hosted and live. Surreal CMS requires that you have an account with them in order to login to their service and make changes to your website. […]

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Cushy CMS

Cushy CMS is a very simple and straight forward Content Management System, it lets you set pre-defined areas on web pages that can later be edited once they are hosted and live. Cushy CMS requires that you have an account with them in order to login to their service and make changes to your website. […]

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Drop Mode

Drop mode is a work mode that allows you to rapidly add content to your pages. Enter Drop Mode To enter drop mode Left Click the drop icon in the main toolbar or press the D key.   Placing Brics onto Page When you enter drop mode the sidebar options will automatically hide to make your workspace more clear […]

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