Text Data Source

In Blocs you have the option to feed certain data values into text Brics. A good example of using a text data source effectively would be when adding a page title to your page content. If a text Bric has its data source set to the current page name, when this page is duplicated, the […]

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RTL Text Direction

If you are building a site that will be in Arabic or another language that requires the text to be formatted so it reads from right to left, you will need to switch on RTL within your project so the text formats correctly. Enabling RTL To enable RTL within a Blocs project, first you’ll need […]

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Create a Text Link

As well as adding links to your project using the link Bric, you can also turn areas of text such as Headers and Paragraphs into links. To create a link from some text, first select the text by moving the mouse pointer over it and Left Clicking it. Now the text is selected, Left Click […]

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Editing Text

To edit the contents of a text Bric such as a paragraph or header, simply move the mouse cursor over the item you wish to edit and Left Click to select it. The text Bric will now display the blue active object marker. If you give the text item a second click you will see […]

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Basic Text Formatting

As well as the sidebar and custom class options for formatting text, Blocs also has some basic text formatting options included on the item selection marker, that is shown when you select a text bric. These options allow you to make text Bold, Italic, Underlined or appear with a Strikethrough. They also allow you to […]

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Text Heading Levels

If you don’t come from a web design background, you may find some of the terms and phrases used in Blocs confusing. A common point of confusion is surrounding text heading levels and why there are 6 different levels to choose from. The reason for this is simple, search engines such as Google use the […]

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