RTL Text Direction

If you are building a site that will be in Arabic or another language that requires the text to be formatted so it reads from right to left, you will need to switch on RTL within your project so the text formats correctly. Enabling RTL To enable RTL within a Blocs project, first you’ll need […]

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Scroll-To in Navgation

Sometimes you may wish to include a scroll-to interaction for a menu item in your projects main navigation, however, because of the way Menu Manager works, it’s not possible to add a scroll-to interaction to a menu item via Menu Manager. If you would like to add a scroll-to interaction to one of the items […]

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Bloc Width

All Bloc sections have a horizontal padding value of 50px, down the left and right side. This padding helps to frame the content within a Bloc ensuring it doesn’t get too close to the edge of the screen. However, there are times when you may want to have the content within a Bloc run all […]

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