Blocs allows you to easily integrate raw HTML into your projects using the HTML widget. This feature is exceptionally useful as it can be used to add additional functionalities to your Blocs projects that are currently not available yet. PLEASE NOTE: The HTML widget is only designed for the injection of plain HTML code. It […]
All posts by norm
Page Attachments
Blocs lets you easily attach additional resources to the pages in your Blocs project via the page settings. This can be useful if you need to attach additional JS frameworks or CSS style sheets to the head section of your website. Please note: Attachments do not run within the app when added, however, they do […]
Menu Manager
In Blocs you now have the ability to use synchronised menu data, this means you can use the same set of data to power multiple menus throughout your entire project. The Blocs Menu Manager lets you manage the data and structure of these menus. All Blocs projects have a default menu automatically created in them, […]
Paint Mode
Paint mode is a work mode that allows you to rapidly add colour to the interface elements in your Blocs project. Enter Paint Mode To enter paint mode Left Click the bucket icon in the main toolbar or press the P key. When you enter paint mode the sidebar options will automatically hide to make your workspace more clear and focused on adding colour, […]
Class Manager
The Blocs Class Manager lets you manage all of the custom classes within your project. We recommend watching this video lesson that covers the basics of the Class Manager. Open Class Manager To open the Class Manager, navigate to Window > Class Manager from the apps main menu. Add and Remove Classes Adding and […]
Scroll-To in Navgation
Sometimes you may wish to include a scroll-to interaction for a menu item in your projects main navigation, however, because of the way Menu Manager works, it’s not possible to add a scroll-to interaction to a menu item via Menu Manager. If you would like to add a scroll-to interaction to one of the items […]
Visibility Options
In Blocs it’s possible to set the visibility of any item so that it can be hidden or visible on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile. This is exceptionally useful if you want to give your visitors a different visual experience depending on the device they are using when they view your website. A good example would […]
Window Toolbar
The window toolbar lets you quickly access all of the additional design windows available in Blocs such as the Class Manager, Asset Manager, Swatch Manager, Menu Manager and Project Notes. The window toolbar is located at the bottom of the inspector sidebar. To open one of the additional windows, simply Left Click the relevant icon. […]
Create A Page Template
Although Blocs gives you the freedom to design a web page from scratch, there are times when you may wish to start from a pre-made page template. Blocs has some powerful templating features that allow you to easily store and export the pages you create within Blocs as templates. Add A Page To The […]
Using A Page Template
Although Blocs gives you the freedom to design a web page from scratch, there are times when you may wish to start from a pre-made page template. Blocs has some powerful templating features that allow you to easily store and export the pages you create within Blocs as templates. How To Use A Page Template […]