Font Manager

The Blocs Font Manager lets you install local web fonts such as .woff and .ttf as well as any of the fonts from the Google web font library, including all available subsets such as Cyrillic, Arab and Greek. Open Font Manager To access the Font Manager, navigate to the main preferences by selecting Blocs > […]

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HTML Widget

Blocs allows you to easily integrate raw HTML into your projects using the HTML widget. This feature is exceptionally useful as it can be used to add additional functionalities to your Blocs projects that are currently not available yet. PLEASE NOTE: The HTML widget is only designed for the injection of plain HTML code. It […]

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Page Attachments

Blocs lets you easily attach additional resources to the pages in your Blocs project via the page settings. This can be useful if you need to attach additional JS frameworks or CSS style sheets to the head section of your website. Please note: Attachments do not run within the app when added, however, they do […]

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Images can be added to your project in two ways. Import to library or dragging images into the Blocs application. Changing Images When you place an image Bric into your design or use one of the pre-made Blocs that contains an image, the image will be set to a basic placeholder. To change any image […]

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Managing Pages

Blocs allows you to create an entire website inside the application, you can add as many pages as you need for your project and they will all be stored in a single Bloc file. Adding Pages You can add a new page to your project by clicking the button marked with a + symbol, located in […]

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Drop Mode

Drop mode is a work mode that allows you to rapidly add content to your pages. Enter Drop Mode To enter drop mode Left Click the drop icon in the main toolbar or press the D key.   Placing Brics onto Page When you enter drop mode the sidebar options will automatically hide to make your workspace more clear […]

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Blocs comes with five open source icon sets built in allowing you to easily use any of them in your designs. Changing Icons When you place an icon Bric into your design or use one of the pre-made Blocs that contains an icon, the icon will already be set. To change any icon in your […]

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Project Settings

The Project settings let you set the global styling for the pages of your web site, set the sites favicon and add a Google analytics tracking code. Accessing the Project Settings You can access the main Project settings by navigating to File > Project settings from the apps main menu.   Width The width option lets […]

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