Developer API introduction

Introduction The Blocs developer API allows 3rd parties to create custom Brics that can be used within the Blocs design environment. The core components of a custom Bric are created using HTML, JS and CSS (you can read more about data and file structure here). There are various API protocols that can be accessed via […]

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Compiling Custom Brics

To compile a custom Bric, click the export button found in the top right corner of the Bric Builder. This will then open a sheet and ask you to select a save location for your compiled custom Bric.    

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Drop Mode

Drop mode is a work mode that allows you to rapidly add content to your pages. Enter Drop Mode To enter drop mode Left Click the drop icon in the main toolbar or press the D key.   Placing Brics onto Page When you enter drop mode the sidebar options will automatically hide to make your workspace more clear […]

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